Updated RhinoCommon Visual Studio for Mac Extension

For those of you who use Visual Studio for Mac to develop RhinoCommon plugins and Grasshopper components for Rhino for Mac.

@curtisw has updated the Visual Studio Extension to (called the RhinoCommonXamarinStudioAddin for historical purposes) here:

Aside from bug-fixes, there are some nice new features:

  • Supports targeting Rhino 5 for Mac and the Rhino 6 for Mac RhinoWIP.
  • Autodetect or manually select which app to debug with.
  • With the RhinoWIP for Mac, you can run with command-line arguments (like: -nosplash runscript="-Grasshopper") that can be added to your .csproj.

To install the new extension:

  1. Download the new RhinoXamarinStudioAddIn_7.7.4.2.mpack.
  2. Launch Visual Studio for Mac and navigate to Visual Studio > Extensions… > Install from file… and browse to the mpack downloaded above. Click Install.
  3. Once installed, you must Quit and Restart Visual Studio for Mac for it to work.

:beers: to Curtis.