Visual ARQ 2 / Visual ARQ 3 WIP & Rhino 8 WIP

Great! Thank you

2 questions please

Will Rhino 4 users be notified to ?
Please do
I hope there will be a 90 days trail for V8 registered users
I still need to try va, and can’t any more cause using V8

V8 Gumball / va
V8 Gumball can be moved to whatever position, double-clicking on its origin (axes are displayed black).
Doors windows and whatever va obects are blocks.
Is there any issue in va, NOT to edit the block while double-clicking on the Gumball origin ?
I replaced BlockEdit native Rhino command by wucl12’s BlockEdit New very efficient plugin
I noticed this can happen from time to time and IS very annoying.
Please let me know


Don’t, if you want to use VA. Section attributes won’t work properly any more (and who knows what else).
Not good, I know.

Hi @Karim_tabbara

Yes, we will also post it in this thread when the WIP/Beta of VisualARQ 3 is available.

Yes, sure. When the new version comes out you will also have 90 days to try it.

Double click on a VisualARQ object acts as a shortcut to open the properties dialog of this object (like if you run the vaProperties command). We can try to avoid this when clicking exactly on the gumball arrows or center.

Hi Eugen

NO, I won’t be using BlockEdit (New or built in) on va blocks, for sure.
My only purpose is to reposition the GUMBALL with a double click in the center of the Gumball axis.
I’ve opened a V7 Rhino file that contains va elements.
Everything seems to be OK

Just one question
On Walls Gumball is correctly located on the va wall insertion point (eg. starting point left middle or right)
On Openings it is centered on the centered of the va block base position (block insertion point)
Could or can it be on left or right side by default)


We can study how to change this behavior. But why would you need that? I mean, when you use the gumball to move a door or a window, it really doesn’t make any difference if the Gumball is located on the base-center or on one of the base-right/left sides, isn’t it?

Dear Francesc

You may ask other Rhino users (including ones not using va)
Gumball is located

  • in the center of groups
  • at blocks insertion points

When a unique block is selected, one doesn’t need to move the Gumball, as it is placed in the correct point to move scale or rotated it (insertion point is the appropriate axis center)

Now, I understand that the insertion point of the doors and openings va blocks is in the center.
In fact, the user should have the option to place the insertion point the same way he is inserting walls.
This way he will havbe the Gumball placed is his point position

Best regards

Yes, this sounds totally logical. Agree. For moving doors/windows it really doesn’t make any difference where the gumball is located, but for rotating or scaling them it does.

Hi Francesc

On my point of view as an architect, moving an element from one point to another point it is very important.

“From 1st point” does not seem important, as long as you don’t consider where is the “To 2nd point” :slight_smile:

Let’s consider a door to be moved in a wall to a certain distance of an existing point.
The second existing point is an endpoint intersection middle point to a line curve slab, offset, whatever you like.

This second point is “always” located either on a side of a wall
(bottom top front back, left right or middle) .

  • Mostly, Bottom Front (left or right)
  • Sometimes, Top Front (left or right) if you work in a perspective view
  • Could be middle to center on an existing opening ground below or above

So if you grab the door from it’s “center of mass” (default Gumball position) = 1st point
There is no way for you to place it in the correct position = 2nd point
Those points are not related

Hope you understand.
It is crucial, to be efficient, and my workflow is based on 2d or 3d sketches, with many offsets of lines (used as guides) all over the drawing.
As soon as I’m done I get rid or those guides by a single alias (SelCurv all Delete)

In case you need to see I can send a short video
Please ask

I’m not yet a va registered user, hope to be.
Workflow will be much faster and efficient, (organized drawing layouts …)
But for sure these elements are part of my expectations if they slow the process.

Best regards


The Move command allows you to move a window or a door from any snap available on any other snap. End, Intersections, Mid, etc.

With the notable exception of these snaps not working in section view (solved in Rhino 8, but the current bane of my existence), it should allow you to do exactly what you’re requesting by snapping from the ends of the window or door.

Hello Clayton

Thanks for being so quick to answer.
But there is a big misunderstanding.

Existing osnaps work fine
Even though maker size and color cannot be changed

I’ve illustrated my comments in a short screen recording.
Please take a look and let me know if that makes senses to you.

The point is :

I searched desperately a proper software to replace SU, I was fan of, and been using for 10 years or so.
I purchased Rhino no longer than a month after having discovered and downloaded the 3 months trial.
No regrets at all.
Does much more than SU, and has so reactive users and dev…

V8 has improved extrusions so much, Rhino is now easier to use than SU.
Fast to take in charge as long as you understand and get used to the versatile UI.

Extrusion is OK now easier & faster than SU
With a 30 seconds video I (think) I convinced a SU user scrolling on discourse.mcneel asking when will Rhino have a similar or better extrusion workflow than SU.
Yes it does and far more better.

Most of all SU registered users would switch to Rhino if capable of snapping the way I’m asking.
Like me, all SU users are complaining about Trimble’s lake of involvement to improve SU and Plans & Pricing policies.
Rhino is incomparable on those 2 points

But still
Those tow “missing” osnaps I’m pointing at are part of SU success.

I’m not trying to sell Rhino to SU users.
Just trying to improve my and Rhino user’s workflow.

Last, is this the proper thread to post a V8 wish list ?

Best regards

Do you mean snap to intersections like so?

Hi Eugen

Yes, like that and more.
Your screen copy plan view displays a vertical plane.
Not so difficult to find the intersection.

Imagine this vertical plane rotated in both axis (x y)
I’m asking for the intersection of the segment of your cube onto this rotated plane.
In 3D not in 2d views…

Did you watch my illustrated short screen recording
Please do

Let me know if it makes sense to you


Yes, it’s the same thing. The idea is, of course, to have the tracking line snap to any intersection on it’s path, no matter if it’s a rotated or bent surface, or a line or a point.

1 Like


To be as concise as possible: “real snap to surface”
The “onSrf” is not designed for that purpose.

And tracking
with circles to rotate
with directions to stretch / scale / move / copy / extrude

Eugen, is there any place to post this “Wish list” ?


The “Rhino” subforum, maybe, or “Serengeti”.
You could add your request to my already existing wish. Pascal Golay even reacted to it today.

I’ve posted a new thread
Serengeti Rhino 8 Beta
But no answer yet

Posting copy in your thread to (hope it’s not impolite)


Double posts are basically unnecessary. Everybody can read any subforum. However, if the thread derailed a bit from it’s original topic, people might overlook posts.

Hi @Karim_tabbara I better understand your request, and it makes sense now to me as well. The gumball itself has a control point, so if it was located on one side of the door instead of the middle base point, you cold move it from there to any other position.

Hi Francesc

In fact Rhino native Gumball positions are

align to object" position and origin = Barycenter of the object
Good as long as it is an object or a group
You find it where you expect it to be

When a block is selected GumballAlignment Object refers to “block base point” origin and orientation

So it’s only about where the user expects to have his “block base point”
Not on one side of the door !
Some may like the default Barycenter used by default in VA
Some center top …, and even wall baseline (for windows) …

Gumball nested commands

(on off toggle)
(CPlane Object World View Cycle)
(no option) just drag from origin
origin (SetScaleHandles)
(no option)
(Mode=Absolute RelativeHandlePositionMultiplier=1.25) handles distances word or relative
( AutoGumball=On SnappyGumball=On Colors Sizes Handles RotateViewAroundAutoGumball=No )
