Very strange boolean fail

Hello everybody,

I have a strange boolean fail here: I want to split a simple tube with a simple cuboid, but boolean difference fails, as well as boolean union. Both polysurfaces have no open or manifold edges and check finds them valid. If I run intersect I get the proper two circular curves.

What could this be? I enclose pics and the file.

Thanks in advance vor any advice - Jan
Boolean Fail.3dm (2.6 MB)


Huh…there’s something wonky about that cylinder, that isn’t being identified as ‘bad’ by SelBadObjects. If I Extract and Untrim the cylinder, it works. If I extract it and DON’T untrim the cylinder, the booleans “work” but give a bad result.

Did you notice that the untrimmed cylinder has sloping ends? @janneuffer: It would be helpful to know how it was made (i.e. has it been sheared, made from a mesh, shrunk to trim?)

Yeah…it functions fine as a surface alone, but the trim does something funny.

It was made from a simple cylinder, which was extruded twice with the gumball, then one of the caps was twisted by 30° in u, then by 30° in v and then extruded again. It is intended as a support for resin printing of an object which is also twisted twice by 30°. I found that if I trimmed off a part and then closed the opening, it worked again. But still a little surprising, that it is declared valid and doesn’t work … but I now found a fix.

Thanks anyway for you answers! Cheers Jan

Hi Jan,
The cylinder has edges with large tolerance.
Explode it and rebuild the edges, the boolean should work.

Hi Fabio,

thanks so much, I will try that!

Best regards - Jan