Very large .gh saves without internalized data

Hello everyone.
Although I’m a regular grasshooper user, I’ve just switched to version R8.
On my new scripts, the backup becomes very heavy.
And I have no internalized data.

I specify that I work without automatic backup.

Has this already happened to some of you since switching to R8?

How can I detect the specific size (disk space) of each component in a GH script?


it’s hard to understand…
I did all my scripts on rhinoV8 without any problem. I had a repair mode, and maybe I think it’s probably the cause of the recording size increase (at least it could be)…
I tried re-saving with an empty rhino file (with grasshooperRhinoV8 i.e. without any references attached), but I couldn’t reduce the file size.

I reopen the gh file on a grasshooper rhino7 version, resave and BAM 155Ko

Screen shot?

I’m not sure what to show, so unfortunately I’m not going to give you the 1.4 GB gh file :slight_smile:

in any case, another colleague has already had the case of a .gh file that increased considerably in size for no reason (with nothing internalized).
I’ll ask him if he’s ever used repair mode. Because frankly, apart from that, I don’t understand it.

Facing the same issue here. I could fix it by taking all the components (apart from the one referencing a huge mesh) and copying them to a new file. Happened a couple of times now, not sure why.

Yes, looked at some other files and the problem is, the referencing components will in some cases internalize the geometry. Clearly a Bug.