Variable radius fillet...some trouble

Hi guys! I’m new here…amazing forum!! :smiley:
I want to share my trouble…I’ve some problem with fillet edge command.

I’ve created a closed polysurface from Grasshopper.
Here, you can see the original polysurface

So, now, I want to fillet with different radius the edge of my polysurface but the result is very strange…

I can’t understand why it’s break near the basement…when I selected the edge it’s a single line…

do you have any idea?

thanks guys!

ps: i’m trying to fillet in rhino just because i haven’t found a command in Grasshopper to realize this part…but if you know you can tell me.

anybody has a solution?

Can you post the 3dm file with the baked geometry or at least the surfaces surrounding this edge? I’m thinking the edge may be split… use MergeEdge and click on it to test my theory. Post the surfaces if you still have trouble.