Variable Fillet based on segment length

It seems you encountered 2 problems:
1 Fillet has a bug
2 Extend curve actually adds a new segment, so the fillet functions stops at the junction of new segment. You can fix that by using “Simplify Curve” component

Also, see this: (17.1 KB) that keeps correct radius. (19.0 KB) that (tries to) keeps the shape

@DavidRutten “Fillet” seems to have a bug. Same thing also in current Rhino 7 WIP.
2020-06-02 02_14_19-Window (5.4 KB)

It seems the gh component function won’t go past mid-point of segments while creating the arcs.

The c# version give result with correct radiuses:

private void RunScript(Curve C, double R, ref object A)
    double t = this.RhinoDocument.ModelAbsoluteTolerance;
    A = Rhino.Geometry.Curve.CreateFilletCornersCurve(C, R, t, t);

I don’t know if this was already noted, searching gave me no specific similar case.