I need to add a curve to the bottom of a ship hull The radius varies continuously as shown below.
The values in the plans are rounded to 1/16" so I get consistent actual intersection at the bottom of the circle.
I looking for approaches on how to deal with this curve. I have tried filleting the frame curves at the bottom. However, this approach generates unsatisfactory surfaces.
pipe trim it and use blendsrf to create the blend.
if you need to very specifically control the shape of the fillet, you’ll need to pipe trim, then use sweep 2 with cross sections placed along the length of the trim.
Kyle’s “pipe trim” method is very useful when the radius of the resulting fillet is not pre-set. However it does not allow for direct control of the fillet radius which is needed when the fillet radii are specified.
A method if you need the arc isocurves of the fillet surfaces to remain parallel:
Start with surfaces without the fillets.
Section or Contour the surfaces at frame locations. (These “as built” sections will be used instead of any pre-existing frame sections to eliminate problems due to deviation of the surfaces from the pre-exisiting frame curves.)
Fillet the “as built” sections with the specified radii.
InterpCrvOnSrf on each surface using the ends of the fillet arcs as the input point locations.
ExtendCrvOnSrf if needed so that the new curves extend to the edges of the surfaces.
Trim the surfaces with the new curves.
Sweep2 with the trimmed surface edges as the rails and the fillet arcs as the sections.
Oddly, I was trying an approach similar to that (trimming with curves, rather than pipes). Is there any way to get the blendsrf to stop when the two edges come together (other than split at the merge, blendsrf, then rejoin)?