VA3: Grasshopper wall styles

Thank you for the release of the beta version of VA3! I’m particularly interested in the possibility of creating wall and slab Grasshopper styles.

I’ve managed to create a simple wall style where you can control the thickness of a monolithic wall as a parameter. VA3 automatically recognizes the thickness of the wall so I can insert windows and doors. Nice! But how can I detect the windows inserted in the wall in my Grasshopper style to apply wrapping, for example? And what about joining two walls of the same style?

Hi @studioselva,

This is not possible right now, but we have something planned that will allow that. I’ll let you know when we implement it.

Walls created from Grasshopper styles should join (at corners). Isn’t it your case?

This is not possible right now, but we have something planned that will allow that. I’ll let you know when we implement it.

Thank you. I’m curious to see how this could work.

Walls created from Grasshopper styles should join (at corners). Isn’t it your case?

Corner joints don’t work properly, only T-joints. It seems like the wall extension algorithm is trying to join the walls by extending them, but it doesn’t work properly. See the input curves I used and how the walls turned out:

For reference, my simple Grasshopper wall style:

This also raises the question of how to implement the cleanup radius and maximum extension parameters in the Grasshopper style.

It will work similarly as you can now indicate in a GH definition how to obtain the host thickness of a door or a window (with that syntax %<>%).

This should work properly. I’ll try to reproduce this error and report it.

I’m not sure if we will be able to implement these parameters in walls created as Grasshopper styles.

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Is there any chance you would share this definition:

Just to check possibilities )
Thanks in advance, cheers, Jaro

Hi @jerry.bakowski here you are! :wink:
Openwork Frame Brick Wall Variable (23.9 KB)


Hi @studioselva please try this again with the latest Beta. It should work fine now: Beta - VisualARQ

Hi Francesc! Thank you, it works now. Only thing I had problem with was with how the solids in the Gh wall style are created - extruded surfaces to solids seem to be more unstable, but offset surfaces to solids work fine. Let me try to see if I can isolate the problem and get back to you.

The new grasshopper wall styles are super cool!
Is there a particular way the walls should be created in grasshopper that allows them to extend to a top or bottom boundary object? Do the constraints work with extrusions, surfaces that are offset, etc? Haven’t been able to figure that part out.

For instance, is there a way that the script needs to be written so that the curved wall below can use the sloped plane as a top boundary object? I looked in the VA3 grasshopper styles help section but didn’t see anything. I’ve got a series of arrayed sweeps and extrusions in the wall.


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Hi @arcus,

VisualARQ should automatically perform the required booleans when a GH wall is extended. But make sure the generated geometry is closed. I mean do not use open surfaces or non-closed extrusions, as booleans may not work in these cases. If the geometry is solid, please send as a sample 3DM so we can take a look.



Thanks for the response Enric,
I’ve tried a couple methods and can’t figure how to get it to extend to surfaces. Is there a recommended method to extrude or sweep the geometry?
Here is an example grasshopper script for a solid panel with vertical members spaced regularly. This script doesn’t extend in the wall style below. (22.1 KB)

thanks so much!

Hi @jerry.bakowski,

You’re right, extending walls from a Grasshopper definition is not fully implemented yet. I’ve forwarded your definition to the developer in charge of this feature. We’ll try to have it implemented as soon as possible.


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Hi @jerry.bakowski,


Good news, top extensions now work on GH wall styles. We’ll probably publish a new beta this week.



Note that we are currently just asking the GH definition to generate a curtain wall tall enough to cover the extension object, and then we do some boolean subtractions.

In some cases, users will want the definition to know the final geometry, to create supports or beams on the trimmed top. This will not be possible in VisualARQ 3. In VisualARQ 4, we will probably add a new approach: calculate the middle surface, considering extensions, joints, etc, and then let the definition create all the geometry based on this surface.

Awesome, thanks!
So as of now, the wall will need to be higher than the boundary it extends too. Also, it will just cut off the top, not create a new top of wall based on the script, right?
So if you have a sweep at the top of the wall, like for coping or something, it wouldn’t work on a wall with a top extension.

VisualARQ will set the height of the curtain wall to a value that covers the boundary of the extension object.


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In some cases, users will want the definition to know the final geometry, to create supports or beams on the trimmed top.

How about passing the GUIDs of objects to extend to using something equivalent to %<>% as per the post of Francesc above? Then we can pretty easily calculate the intersection in GH.

Does it work on Curtain wall? Doesn’t seems like working on my end. Do i need to have any specific setting?

Hi @Rui_Hang_Yong1 this feature has not been implemented yet in curtain walls created as Grasshopper styles. I’ll let you know when it works.

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