V8.6 Gumball Bug

Aligning Gumball to Object, World, and CPlane is no longer working properly.

metaball lamp 20.3dm (126.0 KB)

I have seen the gumball mis-behave quite a bit in V8, but mostly on the object mode.

hello @Stan_Carroll I opened that model and all looks normal. But what I think that has happened is that you had AutoCplane On, then moved the object with Gumball, turned AutoCplane off and reselected the object. In case you move an object, the Gumball orientation is stored. Does this match what you experience?
If you reset Gumball, does it snap back to the expected position and orientation for that object?

i have the same issue. 8.8.24138.16022, 2024-05-17

if you export it or save it and open the file again the Gumball aligns again properly like nothing happened. so that file is probably healed itself so uploading does nothing unfortunately.

here the object after exporting/saving (i tried both)

and that is how it looks like in the file. copying and pasting it into a new file exhibits the same issue but once you export/save it the problem is gone

both are are set to world. and not matter what you set it does not align to the cplane or to the world. it does align to object though.

one idea. the last thing i did to that rectangular light was use orient, after that the alignment was off, all other rectangular lights are still ok.