The new version of V-Ray for Grasshopper in VfR 3.6 is a huge improvement after the previous one, but compared to unofficial GRay plugin, the official one is missing a trigger in the Render component, i.e. it is impossible to render animations…
Animation is not yet supported but we plan on adding this functionality in one of the next builds.
Let me know if you have any further questions, feedback or feature requests regarding V-Ray for Grasshopper.
Hi @Peter.Chaushev
Great to know Animation functionality within grasshopper is on its way. I’ve been testing the very welcomed addition of animated proxies in VfR 3.6 and am curious as to whether this could potentially be implemented with grasshopper, i.e. being able to reference an animated alembic file / VRmesh with grasshopper geometry.
Here is my attempt at trying this with the most recent release:
The red surface is the alembic file i’ve imported but as you can see once the animation starts rendering, the green balls referenced from grasshopper are stuck on the first frame.
Do you think it is within reason to get this working in future releases? or even potentially integrating a timeline component that would allow you to scroll through frame by frame the imported animation in grasshopper?