Utilization shells

could anyone help me, with utilization problem? When I use the shellview component, the maximum value of utilization is 2700%, but when I use Utilization of elements component, I see almost two times larger (4188%). I have tried smaller face mashes, but spread value is larger.
Thx for help guys.

diplomová práce - budova.gh (364.0 KB)

@karamba3d ??

Hi Martin,
sorry for my late reply - there were holidays in Austria.

I think there are two reasons for the deviation:

  • In your definition you use different load case combinations for the ShellView (SLS) and the Utilization-component (ULS). (see diplomová práce - budova_cp.gh (361.8 KB) where this is fixed).
  • The ShellView-values are taken at the vertices - by averaging the contributions from the attached shell elements. The values that come out of the Utilization-component are calculated at the shell element centers. Since your mesh is rather coarse this makes a difference. Check whether the deviation can be reduced by refining the mesh.

– Clemens

Hi Clemens,
It´s okey. thanks for you reply! :slight_smile:

Firstly, I want to thank you for fixing the SLS and ULS thing, my bad…

When I have fixed the SLS and ULS and have reduced the Mesh resolution from 3 to 0.5, the spread of values are larger … I don´t know, what to do…

Could you try look at it please ?

Thank you Clemens,