I have installed Rhino 7 WIP and rhinoinside using pip install.
The first time I try to run the sample script shown on github I get the following error:
“FileNotFoundException: Unable to find assembly ‘RhinoCommon’.
at Python.Runtime.CLRModule.AddReference(String name)”
The second time I try to run the same script I get:
“ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘Rhino’”
Any ideas on what is causing this and how to fix it?
RhinoInside is probably not doing a good job of finding the Rhino 7 WIP on your computer. Where is Rhino 7 installed? I’m looking for the full path to rhino.exe
After that, I tried this and it works if I run the vscode in admin mode. (it didn’t work without it)
import rhinoinside
import System
import Rhino
# for now, you need to explicitly use floating point
# numbers in Point3d constructor
pts = System.Collections.Generic.List[Rhino.Geometry.Point3d]()
crv = Rhino.Geometry.Curve.CreateInterpolatedCurve(pts,3)
print (crv.GetLength())
The rhino package on pypi is not developed by McNeel and has nothing to do with the Rhino that this forum discusses. This is a separate package created by someone else.
That won’t work yet. 3.8 is the current highest version we can support. We need to wait until pythonnet library has been updated to support newer versions of python