I have released versions of import_3dm
v0.0.10 that work with native Blender for Apple Silicon.
Here two car models by @theoutside imported into Blender 3.2 (daily alpha) on M1.
Note the SubD body of the F1 bolide…
I have released versions of import_3dm
v0.0.10 that work with native Blender for Apple Silicon.
Here two car models by @theoutside imported into Blender 3.2 (daily alpha) on M1.
Note the SubD body of the F1 bolide…
Thanks for this, Nathan - was just about to inquire if this was in the works.
well done Nate!!
Hi @nathanletwory, for future versions, is it possible to ship the addon with the “Modules” folder inside the “import 3dm” folder? Then I would only need to update one folder in my addons folder.
It would also be great if there would be a prompt to choose which layers to import in advance.
E: I also noticed upon importing a scene that is 1km wide and not properly centred to the origin that there is massive view distortion going in Blender, so a moving the import’s bounding box centre to the World origin in Blender may also help in such cases.
Yeah, sorry, its the first time I get to use your addon
Shouldn’t the updates still work well when using the prepackaged ZIP archives? Just extracting that in the addons folder should be enough…
Logged as
Logged as
All other addons have just one folder, but I guess it’s just a matter of convenience, not all that important.
Thanks for logging my feature requests!
Hi @nathanletwory,
I have another request. In Rhino, I have created my buildings as an Ngon mesh, because that is easier to work with in Blender as opposed to a tesselated mesh.
In the picture below, you can see the object has in fact Ngons:
Yet, the mesh that is imported in Blender is tesselated.
I could export the Ngon Mesh as OBJ but I think it would be a great feature if the importer could detect these Ngons.
On a side note: are you planning to bring the features of this plugin as a native Blender patch some day? For large scenes such as the one I am working on, it would probably increase performance by a lot. At least, the thread over on developer.blender.org on the C++ OBJ Importer suggests as much.
but I think it would be a great feature if the importer could detect these Ngons.
If you have an account on Github please feel free to log feature requests! Also opening discussions as your side note are welcome there.
That said:
On a side note: are you planning to bring the features of this plugin as a native Blender patch some day? For large scenes such as the one I am working on, it would probably increase performance by a lot. At least, the thread over on developer.blender.org on the C++ OBJ Importer suggests as much.
I have not planned such an approach. Considering the scope of the add-on maybe not the most important at the moment, but we can always look into writing utility functions in C/C++ to do the data preparation before handing of to Blender.
Filed the request: Support importing Rhino meshes as Ngons · Issue #101 · jesterKing/import_3dm · GitHub
And will do so there in the future.
Considering the scope of the add-on maybe not the most important at the moment, but we can always look into writing utility functions in C/C++ to do the data preparation before handing of to Blender.
That sounds like a viable approach. Excited to see what the future holds
hi @nathanletwory, all,
Do you have any way to reverse this so we can open .blend files in Rhino, and see all the geometry, file structure, collections, etc. preserved? Blender is not exporting file structure as. fbx and we don’t have a good way to bring full blender structure back to Rhino. Any ideas?
EDIT: ADDED CONTEXT: When we export an .FBX from Blender right now all our Blender file structure (based on Collections) is not maintained. We have found a workaround using this plugin that converts Collections to Empties: Hierarchy to collections - Blender Market
…that allows us to see our Blender file structure in Rhino.
Do you have any way to reverse this so we can open .blend files in Rhino, and see all the geometry, file structure, collections, etc. preserved? Blender is not exporting file structure as. fbx and we don’t have a good way to bring full blender structure back to Rhino. Any ideas?
I have been thinking on how to do this, but not actually started working on it. You are right some careful thinking about the matching data between the formats needs to be conducted to ensure good transport back and forth.
Hi Nathan,
We live in both of these worlds of Rhino and Blender constantly, so we’ll be happy to test, help, guide how this should work.
Nathan,thank you for your great work. Blender can be a good render engine for rhino. but there is a problem. I use your plugin to import 3dm, if the 3dm fle is large than 100MB, the time of import is very very long, blender is Unresponsive. Could you speed the process? D5 render have a plugin to export 3dm to D5render, it’s speed is very fast!
Hi @nathanletwory any plans to update plugin for Blender 4?
Also does it support blocks to instances ?
Thank you
There are plans, but I haven’t had the time yet. The plan is also to update to using the latest rhino3dm
version, which should allow me to extract materials and textures better.
Block instances are already supported.
Thank you Nathan.
What is the latest blender and Rhino version which are supported?
Also when importing blocks does it preserve origin ?
Planing to model a lot of plots in Rhino bit replace with Blender made houses
I’ve used it with Blender 3.5, haven’t tried with newer versions.
Current plug-in should be able to read up to Rhino 7 files.
Block instance insert points should be preserved.
Regular objects in Rhino don’t have an origin, they all have their geometry in world space.
Hi Nathan, any plans to evolve this work towards live-linking? Similar to the RhinoInside work you guys are doing for other industries like architecture.
We really need this functionality in our production work. It’s very time consuming to have to reimport things. Also we need subs to stay live/editable in both apps.
Rhino 8 release has sucked up huge amounts of my attention (there are only so many hours in an 8-hour work day ), but once things calm down a bit I intend to pick this up again.