Use SVG in Grasshopper

Dear Community,

I’ve been using the Pancake Plugin to import a SVG path.
However, the geometry isn’t centred within the frame - Do you know how I could change this directly into Grasshopper ? (In the svg file, the origin of the drawing is the upper left corner) (15.5 KB)

Thank you for your precious help :smiley:

You should internalize your SVG data into the Grashopper definition before sharing. I can open your definition but I can’t open the SVG file this definition it is pointing to.

@Macuso Sorry but I don’t know yet how to do it :confused:
Here is the SVG file am using but I think any SVG could work:

Do you also have a 3DM file with the frame? I do imported the SVG but it is missing the target frame.

You can use Orient to center the curves. (8.0 KB)

This definition moves the imported SVG file to the 0,0 X,Y coordinate. Not perfect, but works: (17.7 KB)