Use a pdf for picture plane

Are there any plans to make pdf’s usable in the Picture command? I know you can import a pdf directly but sometimes it would be easier to just use it as an image.


If you have acrobat Pro you can save the pages to jpeg. I do that often as it is much easier on the resources and looks better. That is if I dont need the vector data.

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Yeah, I know, but it’s just one more step. Thanks though.

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Sissortool and paste directly into Rhino is another fast option.

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Is that in Windows or Acrobat?

You can also use Ghostscript (free and open-source) to extract PDF pages as images:
gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=png16m -sOutputFile="Pic-%d.png" input.pdf


This one, snippingtool might be the english name. It’s a windows thing.

Got it. They renamed it to Snip & Sketch. Go figure! Thanks,


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Might be obvious, but you can Import PDFs, and the object is (I believe) the same as a image brought in by PictureFrame.

That is true for the rastered content of a PDF.

Anything vectorized imports as lines, hatches or text…

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