(UPDATE) Modular wall panel design HELP

Hey, can anyone help me with this image? i was hoping to design a panel similar to this but with variations in the size of the cropped rectangles (using atractors)

OK, so I’ve been able to do a lot since my post here yesterday, but I’m having issues with the attractors part, I’ve watched a ton of tutorials, but I can’t incorporate them at all. Below is a screenshot of my Grasshopper as it is now, does anyone know how to connect the attractors there?

Since the image show some Spanish, here it is a few videos from a brazilian youtuber doing something similar

Usually its better to try doing something first so you can get more engagement with your forum posts, I am pretty new to grasshopper myself, but what I see in the forum is that trying and asking is better than just asking. Maybe try doing simple fixed panels first or something.

To start from zero, Youtube is always a better choice than asking here

I hope these videos give you some help

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A Altamiro said … you should provide something from your part.

Tips (general case: a double curved Surface [or a BrepFace with holes]):

  1. Divide Surface in U/V and decide the “main” axis (the one related with the load bearing items [cables, rods, cats, dogs etc]).
  2. Divide each main axis (the resolution so to speak) and get the div params.
  3. Foreach axis get random start/end pairs of div params values from 2 (not overlapping per axis) and trim a duplicate of the axis curve accordingly. This yield the panel axis.
  4. Define the width of the panel and sweep using profiles (in the other direction than the main axis) and the panel axis as rail.
  5. In order to thicken the sheet like result (a Surface) you’ll need a little C# (but post here the result up to step 4).

Note: Before all that you should get the gist of the DataTree collection. 99.999% of the issues that novices (even pros) have are due to the fact that they don’t understand an iota of what a DT is.

“Wall panel design problem” would be a more appropriate topic title.

Your questions here in a post:

Hey, can anyone help me with this image? i was hoping to design a panel similar to this but with variations in the size of the cropped rectangles.

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You could play around with a series of Random.

Wood_Slat Wall_re.gh (16.0 KB)


Thank you so much!! This was really helpful!!

OK, thanks…

Thank you!!

Obrigada!! Ajudou bastante