Hi everyone
so im looking to make my ETO form update when the user changes something about the input data
in this example, I would like mutiple things to update the eto form in real time:
when i hit the purge button, I have that bound to a method that purges the layers, obviously. but i also have the number of rows on the dynamic eto layout conform to the number of layers i have. whats happening is the button is purging the layers but the eto form doesnt update
I have a row for when the user is feeling lazy and doesnt want to asign objects to a layer but i also have a button that would ideally add another row of laziness. the way i have this in code is that all buttons and the number of rows is associated to a variable that is an interger and when the add select line is clicked, it adds 1 to that varible (it starts at 1 but when i manually chage it to 2 it works and there are 2 ‘select’ rows.
sorry about the essay, i hope this makes sense, im quite new to scripting and i only starting reading up about ETO forms 2 days ago so any help will be massivley apreciated.
is this possible? i would be happy with closing and opening the eto form everytime the eto form needs to be updated. my code is below. Thank you massivley in advance!
P.S. if you see anything in my code that is just bad in general, please let me know im still learning
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import Rhino.UI
import Eto.Drawing as drawing
import Eto.Forms as forms
class Material_assigner(forms.Dialog[bool]):
def __init__(self, material_names):##setting up the eto form
self.Title = "Material Assigner"
self.Padding = drawing.Padding(10)
self.Resizable = False
self.layer_names = rs.LayerNames()
### normal layer controls
self.checkboxes = []
for i in self.layer_names:
checkbox = forms.CheckBox( Text = "") ##check boxes (always true to assume u want to calculate every layer
checkbox.Checked = True
self.dropdowns = []
for i in self.layer_names:
dropdown = forms.ComboBox() ##dropdown menu you can edit
dropdown.DataStore = material_names
dropdown.SelectedIndex = 0
self.DefaultButton = forms.Button(Text = 'OK')
self.DefaultButton.Click += self.OnOKButtonClick
self.AbortButton = forms.Button(Text = 'Cancel')
self.AbortButton.Click += self.OnCloseButtonClick
self.addselectbutton = forms.Button(Text = 'Add select line')
self.addselectbutton.Click += self.addselectlevel
self.purgelayersbutton = forms.Button(Text = 'Purge Layers')
self.purgelayersbutton.Click += self.purgeclick
###changing number of selecting options controls
self.number_select_button_rows = 1 ##to increase by one every time the user chooses
self.selectbuttons= []
for i in range(self.number_select_button_rows):
selectbutton = forms.Button(Text = "Select / Im Lazy")
selectbutton.Click += self.OnSelectButtonClick
self.selectcheckboxes = []
for i in range(self.number_select_button_rows):
checkboxselect = forms.CheckBox( Text = "")
checkboxselect.Checked = True
for i in range(self.number_select_button_rows):
dropdownselect = forms.ComboBox( Text ="")
dropdownselect.DataStore = material_names
dropdownselect.SelectedIndex = 0
## Layout###
layout = forms.DynamicLayout()
layout.Spacing = drawing.Size(5,5)
for index, layer in enumerate(self.layer_names):
layout.AddRow(self.checkboxes[index], layer, self.dropdowns[index])#u can just chuck strings in layouts and it acts like a lable
for i in range(self.number_select_button_rows):
layout.AddRow(self.selectcheckboxes[i], self.selectbuttons[i], self.selectdropdowns[i])
layout.AddRow(None, self.purgelayersbutton, self.addselectbutton)
layout.AddRow(self.DefaultButton, self.AbortButton)
self.Content = layout
###operating methods
def getobjectids(self):
check_ids = rs.GetObjects( preselect = True)
solids_or_surf = []
for id in check_ids:
if rs.IsCurve(id) == True:
return None
object_ids = rs.GetObjects(filter = 16, preselect=True)
return object_ids
def layervolume(self, ids):
layervolume = {}
if ids == None:
layervolume[ids] = 'unable to calculate volume'
return layervolume
for id in ids:
if rs.SurfaceVolume(id) != None:
layervolume[rs.ObjectLayer(id)] = sum(rs.SurfaceVolume(id)) * 0.000000001
layervolume['something strange'] = 'unable to calculate volume'
return layervolume
def checkboxchecks(self):
checkboxchecked_index =[]
for index, checkbox in enumerate(self.checkboxes):
if checkbox.Checked == True:
return checkboxchecked_index
def materials_selected(self):
materials_selected_index = []
for dropdown in self.dropdowns:
return materials_selected_index
def activate(self):
checked_boxes_index = self.checkboxchecks()
materials_index = self.materials_selected()
data = self.layervolume(self.getobjectids())
return data
### Button methods
def OnOKButtonClick(self, sender, e):
print("error! no objects found")
def purgeclick(self, sender, e):
for layer in self.layer_names:
if rs.IsLayerEmpty(layer) == True:
def OnCloseButtonClick(self, sender, e):
def OnSelectButtonClick(self, sender, e):
return True
def addselectlevel(self, sender, e):
self.number_select_button_rows = self.number_select_button_rows + 1
def OnSelectButtonAddClick(self, sender, e):
def test(materials):
test = Material_assigner(materials);
rhinowindow = test.ShowModal(Rhino.UI.RhinoEtoApp.MainWindow)
test(["material 1", "material 2", "material 3"])