Unsupported Windows Version Detected

Hi guys,
I get the following message when i install Rhinoceros 5:

`Unsupported Windows Version Detected
Rhinoceros 5 requires Windows Xp SP3, Windows Vista or Windows 7.

Please upgrade your computer to a compatible version of windows before installing`

I am using Windows 7 please see on printscreen my specs. I have updates my windows too.

What should I do?

My recollection, perhaps incorrect, is this error can occur with a previous release of Rhino 5. Which release of Rhino 5 did you install. If it is not the current one then you might try removing your current installation, download and install the latest release from http://www.rhino3d.com/download/rhino/5.0/latest

There is a work-around for this installer error here:
It’s in the General section.

Good luck

Hi Jon I had a thorough look at the general problems before posting this question and could not find an answer. Hope you can help.

From the link I referenced:

Thanks Jon I am using the latest installer though: rh50_en-us_5.6.31028.18305 is that not the one? I got it from http://www.rhino3d.com/download/rhino/5.0/latest

Ok it’s working now, I had to install this windows upgrade: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=20858

I’m having the some problem. Might be because of some plugins installed before? It’s 5.8… etc.

Ok, I’ve tried to install two at the same time and by undoing one and the other, more the net 4 something and land, etc… What a mess… http://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/rhino5/win7_not_supported

The problem started when you attempted to run the installer, stopped it for some reason, then the Windows Compatibility Assistant asked if it installed properly or not. You answered No so Windows tagged the executable as requiring Windows XP SP2.

The next time you ran the Rhino installer, Windows put you in WinXP SP2 mode. This. Makes the Rhino installer itself report you’re running in an unsupported OS.

Windows led you into a dark alley.

That support page describes how to use Windows to remove the compatibility tagging from the Rhino installer. Then it will run.

NEVER tell Windows something went wrong EVER. It will always screw up something else, and you’ll blame us.
We can’t fix Micrisoft’s heavy handed “helping”.