Unroll Mesh Issues

Hey everyone,

I’m stuck trying to clean up my mesh to make it ready for fabrication. Usually, I’d use the Stripper tool from Kangaroo 2 and “Unroll Mesh Strips” from the Fox plugin. However, those only seem to work when I’ve used the Kangaroo solver beforehand.

This time, I created the mesh manually, and now nothing seems to work—I can’t get fabricatable strips or anything usable.

Does anyone have a solution?

241222_ Viktor Problem_YS.gh (156.3 KB)

Can you give it a try with OpenNest ?

OpenNest.gh (25.3 KB)


Using Pufferfish to reparameterize a curve… Really?

Stripper does something with your mesh but I doubt the result will be of much use.

Stripper does not work on meshes with T junctions. The mesh can be unwelded along 5 internal edges and then it works a little better but I still think the strips could be sorted more nicely.

I think the problem is caused by the point order of the faces.

The vertices of a mesh part can be sorted in a nice grid with Kangaroo and then the stripper creates nice strips of quads.

I’m sure @DanielPiker has a better solution to sort the points.

Original file with my Kangaroo sorting added:

241222_ Viktor Problem_YS_sorted_mrtn.gh (600.8 KB)

Just the mesh with the Kangaroo sorting:

mesh_sort_vertices.gh (456.8 KB)

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Hey Martin, you’re right, that’s actually a bit of a repetition. ‘Evaluate Curve’ alone would have been enough - I only realised that after you mentioned it haha. Your solution to my problem certainly looks promising! Unfortunately, I can’t use the script yet because I don’t have your code or the plugins. :/’

Sorry I’m using Rhino 8. Only saw the Rhino 7 tag now.

I got rid of the explode component and internalised the four mesh parts:

mesh_sort_vertices_meshes_internalised.gh (491.3 KB)

I’m not going to revert the script objects to Rhino 7.

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