Unable to initialize error -200 rhino8

Could someone help me understand what I should do to fix this bug?

lets try simply running windows update to make sure all updates are installed. You may need to do this more than once to get them all, as some rely on others to be installed.

if that does not work we’ll try repairing your .net install 1st, then retry your vc runtimes, then repair rhino in that order, restarting your machine between each step

step 1. .net repair-

https://download.microsoft.com/download/2/B/D/2BDE5459-2225-48B8-830C-AE19CAF038F1/NetFxRepairTool.exe 1

run this then restart your machine

step 2. re run the vc runtimes

https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe 1

run this and restart your machine

step 3. run a repair on rhino (yes again) from add remove programs

restart your machine 1st, THEN try rhino once it restarts.

Hi, Japhy.

Thank you so much for your attention.

I did every step as told, but in the middle of rhino repair this error had been shown:
After reboot, rhino is still not running. T.T

I’m having the same problem exactly, and even did a Win 11 repair, and then re-installed Rhino and it still gives this error.

Any ideas?

Not yet. I don’t want to, but I’m thinking of rebooting my system. I don’t know what else to do.

I don’t think it is actually Rhino because having done a Windows 11 repair I uninstalled Rhino and then re-installed it, and it still doesn’t work, it still gives the .NET error

I’m always switching my license between my desktop and laptop. I managed to install Rhino on another machine (my laptop), but no success at desktop yet

I’m on a 90 day trial to weigh up Rhino over my usual poly modelling workflow for jewellery work, so I don’t want to loose more time than I have to with this issue, whatever the problem is.

I need to delve more in to the .net side and what is going on there, because whatever is happening Rhino can’t repair it, and neither can windows, and I really don’t want to have to do a clean WIndows re-install.

Anyone have any advice here, this literally is stopping me using the trial to be able to determine whether Rhino is right for what I want or not.


Here is one other suggestion…that has helped a few customers.

Since we suspect an issue with dotnet core and a reinstall or repair does not resolve the issue, you can try this switch that will open Rhino with dotnet frame work 4.8.

You can do by editing the Rhino shortcut and adding after the Rhino.exe" add /netfx and test if you can open Rhino.

  • /netfx initializes .NET framework 4.8
  • .NET core or /netcore .NET 7.0

Let us know if this helps.

Mary Ann Fugier
McNeel Technical Support and Training
Seattle, WA