Error Message: 'Unable to initialize .NET Framework (error -200)'

Hi, I’m just trying to open Rhino and have received the error message, “Unable to initialize .NET Framework (error -200). Please repair the Rhino installation from Control Panel > Apps & Features. Rhino will not run.”

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling it, as well as repairing it on the control panel but after both the same error message comes up.

Screenshot 2024-08-16 154425

That’s unusual, let install (or repair) the .netframework, chose the vc_redist.x64.exe option.

Thanks Japhy. I’ve done that, but still have the same error message unfortunately.

Do you have any plugins loaded? Does Rhino open via the Safe Mode (windows start>Rhino 8 in safe mode) . The shortcut is here if it doesn’t come up in search.
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Rhino 8

Just tried opening safe mode, same error message.

Ok, i’ve pinged the devs on this one. Not recalling seeing this exact error before coming from the license manager.

lets try simply running windows update to make sure all updates are installed. You may need to do this more than once to get them all, as some rely on others to be installed.

if that does not work we’ll try repairing your .net install 1st, then retry your vc runtimes, then repair rhino in that order, restarting your machine between each step

step 1. .net repair-

run this then restart your machine

step 2. re run the vc runtimes

run this and restart your machine

step 3. run a repair on rhino (yes again) from add remove programs

restart your machine 1st, THEN try rhino once it restarts.

still broken? please hit us up directly - or call 206-545-6877

I got here via a Google search. I have two computers at this point stuck with this error. I spent some time trying to resolve one of them this morning with no luck. I followed the steps recommended here and it didn’t resolve anything. Any ideas what to do next?

Try running the Microsoft fix it tool on the Rhino installer until its not longer on the list.

Which Microsoft Fix It tool? And this should uninstall Rhino 8 and then I need to reinstall it? I’m not quite clear on what you’re suggesting here.


Apologies, i thought you were having the .net error on install.

There are a few possibilities. Are you running any plugins that require older .net versions?

Changing the .net used is one way to test that ( i recommend start once method, create a new shortcut )

To start Rhino in .NET Framework once:

Caution: only recommended if you have a plug-in that doesn’t run in .NET Core.

  1. Create a new shortcut for Rhino in Windows
  2. Edit the shortcut
  3. Add command line argument /netfx

So it appears that with the /netcore command it fails the same as without any command (with the .net error) /netfx works fine - at least as far as quick look allows. I’m not the user with the issue so I am currently only getting quick windows to look at the machines with the problems.

The only plugins I’m expecting to use are V-Ray and Enscape. On one of the computers for extra fun Enscape also botched an install of an upgrade so that isn’t currently working in any Rhino at the moment so I can’t test if it works or not yet.