Unable to export geometry to AutoCAD .dwg File

Error Geometry.3dm (684.1 KB)
Hi All,

I’ve created some geometry using Grasshopper, and I now need to export it to AutoCAD .dwg format so it can be used in Navisworks. I’m finding that some geometry errors, while other geometry (created in the same process) will fail.

I’ve attached a copy of the failed geometry, and I’m hoping someone might be able to identify why it’s failed. I’ve been working on this for too long, and have eliminated most problems, but these few items still fail.

For context, the main model will consist of 3d solid geometry, annotations (text) and sometimes 2D geometry - lines, curves, polylines etc.

The settings below are my export settings - I don’t mind changing these, so long as I can still export annotations and solid geometry.

Thanks in advance.

Hi Gerrard -

How do you determine this?
I exported your file using the Default scheme and imported that DWG back into Rhino without issues.

I get this error when exporting:

The default profile has the ‘Export surfaces as:’ option set to ‘Curves’ so they import to AutoCAD and Navisworks as lines only - not solids.

I’m not sure how to repair the solids in Rhino, but I can do a volume command on each shape and it provides a value - suggesting that they’re solid.

Try the 2018 Solids scheme instead of Default

I tried that - same error.

Hi Gerald,

I ran your file through the debugger and it’s a problem with our code trying to split closed faces to make the solid objects.

Just curious, why are you modelling in mm? It’s making for very large numbers. I also noticed (using the List command) that some of your tolerances are very small. For example,

vertex[ 9]: (7084347.293279 78136992.638233 28969.300149) tolerance(4.94942e-09)
    edges (17,18,19)

I think making these more reasonable will have a positive effect. If it doesn’t, post here again with another example file and I’ll dig deeper.


Looks to be a far-from-origin issue. If I move each object to the origin, exporting works.

– Dale

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mm is conventional and convenient, but not essential.

what do you suggest about the tolerances? Part of my grasshopper script is to fit/round points to a grid (0.1mm in my case, but 1mm or more would be OK too) to help merge points that are close but not coincident.
I expect the tolerances you’re referring to are controlled somewhere else? I haven’t specified any tolerances.

@dale - I will test that out. If that’s the problem, then I can work with that by setting origin offsets in Navisworks (the end goal for the geometry).