I’m trying to create a loft surface between two meshes, given two contour curves (ON_Curve).
Here’s the loft parameters:
CArgsRhinoLoft args;
args.m_bAllowStartTangent = false;
args.m_bAllowEndTangent = false;
args.m_bUseStartpoint = false;
args.m_bUseEndpoint = false;
args.m_bClosed = false;
args.m_loft_type = CArgsRhinoLoft::ltTight;
args.m_simplify_method = CArgsRhinoLoft::lsNone;
args.m_start_condition = CArgsRhinoLoft::leNatural;
args.m_end_condition = CArgsRhinoLoft::leNatural;
args.m_rebuild_point_count = 50;
args.m_refit_tolerance = RhinoApp().ActiveDoc()->AbsoluteTolerance();
CRhinoLoftCurve* loftCurve = new CRhinoLoftCurve;
loftCurve->m_curve = onCurve->DuplicateCurve();
loftCurve->m_curve->RemoveShortSegments(ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE, true);
loftCurve->m_pick_point = ON_UNSET_POINT;
loftCurve->m_pick_t = ON_UNSET_VALUE;
loftCurve->m_trim = 0;
loftCurve->m_bClosed = loftCurve->m_curve->IsClosed() ? true : false;
loftCurve->m_bPlanar = loftCurve->m_curve->IsPlanar(&loftCurve->m_plane)? true : false;
ON_SimpleArray<ON_NurbsSurface*> loftedSurfaceList;
bool isLoftSucceeded = RhinoSdkLoftSurface(args, loftedSurfaceList);
if (!isLoftSucceeded)
if (loftedSurfaceList.Count() > 1)
return {};
auto* loftedLeg = loftedSurfaceList[0]->CreateMesh(ON_MeshParameters::FastRenderMesh);
if (loftedLeg == nullptr)
return ;
The resulting loft surface seems to be twisted around as seen in the photo below:
Any idea on why is this is happening? thank you