Hello, I found that the tween curve/ tween surface in some case does not get the desired result. For example this S shape. The upper and lower curves are the offset curve of the middle curve, and the curves are rebuilt.
20240628tween.3dm (71.2 KB)
So, How to reproduce the middle curve shape with upper shape and lower shape by tween? thanks.
For tweening to work effectively, it is crucial not to rebuild the curves/surfaces. By keeping the original structure of the curves, the tween function can better interpolate between them, maintaining the desired shape.
20240628tween2.3dm (38.0 KB)
So, we canot get a satisfy result with this adjusted input curve in tween command?
interesting but it those curves doesnt look like the curve surfaces for the 1. picture?
I’ll have a look once I am home from work and can download your file.
Yes. It is a case of possible development work, when rebuilding curve and tweaking points are necessary and when I want to do the tween with the input curve, it doesn’t work. I suppose tween can do this perfectly.
Maybe “Loft” or “Sweep 2 rails” (with “Add slice” option if necessary) could help, then extract the middle isocurve.
Extracting isos is a good idea.
Also, if you want tween to work with history, you have to click the start of each curve or the replay gets jumbled. I run ShowDir while setting up tweens.