Is it possible to get the turbulence texture to show up the same on two different sized surfaces?
I have tried this but it doesn’t work: Texture scaling - #3 by BrianJ
Is it possible to get the turbulence texture to show up the same on two different sized surfaces?
I have tried this but it doesn’t work: Texture scaling - #3 by BrianJ
Dear Brian,
I jumped the gun and got excited.
It works when turbulence is selected for the base color. I am using this as Bump/Normal displacement. I can’t get it to work in that case.
The reason I started this thread and went down the rabbit hole is that I got the following Bump/Normal displacement surface as I wanted it (100x100):
My hunch is you’ll need to use WCS box mapping for the texture and specify the size in world units versus repeats…
Thank you Brian! It’s not completely the same but it looks great after trying to render.
Do you know if there’s a way to visualize the UVW subdivision of a surface? I tried UVeditor but I guess you can’t have multiple UV grid textures in one file? My idea was to assign a separate UV grid to each surface small one (just 00) big one (00-99) and that way they would be subdivided the same.
I also tried rebuilding the big and small surface with the same number of points but that UV subdivision as far as I’ve seen has nothing to do with how textures act on the surface.
That seems like the same issue just with the Grid texture. Upload your 3dm and I can take a look but I would do the same thing, either they share a Planar mapping method or use WCS.
File attached.
seatexture.3dm (11.0 MB)
UV Grid before applying box mapping (Makes sense it doesn’t work in this case)
UV Grid after applying box mapping (Should work in this case, subdivision is the same, but it does not)
Hi Jure - the textures in your file are using mapping channels - I think you want them to be WCS:
Dear Pascal,
I managed to set the UV grid as you mentioned, but still, this doesn’t do anything to correlate the mapping of the bump/displacement texture and the underlying UV subdivision.
Is the UV grid texture “just a visual texture” or it determines the UV subdivision in the document/object?
Hi Jure - the grid texture is not special - if it is applied to mapping channel 1, by default it will follow, not determine, the surface UV distribution
If the object has some kind of mapping applied, like Box, then the texture will follow that mapping.
If you make the texture, any texture, use OCS then it changes from ‘repeat’ to ‘size’ in the texture settings and it will be scaled across all objects using it according to that ‘real world’ size.
I’m not sure if that clarifies anything. I do see that the effect of the bump itseslf on the smaller square is less than on the larger one - is that waht we are looking at?
Dear Pascal,
Thank you for the in depth explanation.
Exactly. My issue arose when I obtained the most realistic sea surface (in my opinion) on a 100x100 test surface, with the following mapping applied:
Now, I needed a bigger surface of at least 1000x1000 that looks the same. But I could not achieve it.
Since I did it with the repeat value we got into the discussion about the UV grid which i mistakenly thought had something to do with the UV subdivision of a surface. I did try to rebuild the surfaces and use the same number of UV points, but this seemed to have no effect also.
As far as I tested this out. Even with WCS/OCS mapping the textures don’t look the same on a smaller/bigger surface. Which bring me to this:
Does that mean if WCS size is 10,10,10:
a) that the smaller and the bigger surface will be divided into that size “texture boxes/squares” or
b) surfaces will each be divided by 10,10,10 and due to their size difference the texture will be acting on different sized “texture boxes/squares”.
If a) is true the texture should look the same, if b) is true how to achieve my desired effect?
Hi Jure - a) is true. It appears that the size of the texture tile is correct across both but the ‘depth’ of the bump effect is what is not matching, it seems to scale with the size of the plane… is that how you see it?
However, starting from scratch, I cannot make this happen - this looks correct to me: