Trying to tween trimmed surfaces

I’m a newbie to pufferfish. I am trying to tween surfaces. Even after using copytrim component, the surfaces have rectangular edges instead of the original edges.

What am I doing wrong?

TRIM ATTEMPT.3dm (398.6 KB)

TRIM (10.5 KB)

before posting the .gh file you need to right click on the surface components and internalize.

Okay, I have attached 3dm file in the original post as I didn’t internalize .

What did you expect to use the same trimmed surface for both inputs of Copy Trim?

TRIM (256.9 KB)


I expected the copy trim component to take the trim data and merge it with the original surface so as to create a surface with the intended trimmed edges.

Thanks for sharing the definition. I really admire your dexterity. How do you find out which component to apply in a problem and its sequence? There is no comprehensive guide available for Grasshopper which lists down interrelationship between various components so a novice like me can get to the grips. The grasshopper primer only describes different components however.

You can find a standard use of Copy Trim and about the referenced info of “Trimmed Suface” problems from here.

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Copy trim just copies one trim. You would use it after the tween surface to copy trim data, however this would give all the tweens the one trim you copied, not a blend. @HS_Kim gave you the way.


There is no comprehensive guide available for Grasshopper which lists down interrelationship between various components so a novice like me can get to the grips.

because grasshopper isn’t that straight forward. Any component can go to any other component that needs that data depending on the task.

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Copy trim just copies one trim. You would use it after the tween surface to copy trim data, however this would give all the tweets the one trim you copied, not a blend. @HS_Kim gave you the way.

Okay . Thanks. :+1:t2: