Hello @eirannejad (and everybody else )
following these examples, I managed to get basic IfcOpenShell queries running in RhinoCode (in Rhino 8.8 SRC from yesterday). I manually downloaded IfcOpenShell for Python 3.9 from here and installed it into .rhinocode in my user folder.
Now I’m trying to get into Geometry Processing via IfcOpenShell… Follwoing this guide, I tried to get the following code snippet running:
import ifcopenshell
import ifcopenshell.geom
ifc_file = ifcopenshell.open('model.ifc')
element = ifc_file.by_type('IfcWall')[0]
settings = ifcopenshell.geom.settings()
settings.set(settings.USE_PYTHON_OPENCASCADE, True)
shape = geom.create_shape(settings, element)
geometry = shape.geometry # see #1124
# These are methods of the TopoDS_Shape class from pythonOCC
shape_gpXYZ = geometry.Location().Transformation().TranslationPart()
# These are methods of the gpXYZ class from pythonOCC
print(shape_gpXYZ.X(), shape_gpXYZ.Y(), shape_gpXYZ.Z())
print("Shape creation failed")
Unfortunately, to be able to access settings.USE_PYTHON_OPENCASCADE
depends on pythonOCC, a package for which there only seems to be a Conda install avaliable (see PythonOCC getting started guide).
Searching for solutions how to use Conda in RhinoCode I found your post on how to point RhinoCode to an existing Conda Environment. So using MiniConda I installed both IfcOpenShell and pythonOCC-core into a new Conda Environment:
conda create -n openshell python=3.9
conda activate openshell
conda install -c conda-forge ifcopenshell pythonocc-core
Then I pointed RhinoCode to that Environment via a new path entry in the Editor Options and using
# env: C:\Users\[username]\miniconda3\envs\openshell\Lib\site-packages
IfcOpenShell seems to be found flawlessly that way, unfortunately the error with the missing dependency remains. I boiled the script down to the following 5 lines to be able to cath the error more easily:
Then I tried it the other way round and executed the exact same script (without the line with # env) directly in the Conda Environment Python. There it worked flawlessly and I could see USE_PYTHON_OPENCASCADE being an element of the settings object.
Please excuse this lengthy description, I’m a simple python scripter and not too much into things like PIP and Conda so I tried to bite my way through… Unfortunately I’m now stuck and don’t know how to continue. Do you maybe have a hint on how I could get this to work? When I managed to get it running in the Conda Environemnt I felt like very close to the solution… but I don’t know to take it over to Rhino…
It would be great if you could give me a hint on how to move on… Thanks!