I have a cone field where different cones intersect one another.
The intersected regions I want to delete so it creates an open space between the cones. All the cones are now together in a group, created by a grasshopper file. How can I continue with grasshopper?
Further, I want the surfaces (the walls) to have a thickness. How would this be programmed in grasshopper?
Thank you!!
(Scott Davidson)
November 22, 2022, 3:35pm
Can you draw what you want the final to look like?
Or, can you take a collection of cones in Rhino and show what result you are looking for?
(Quan Li)
November 23, 2022, 8:54am
The method depends on the cone geometry. Show your GH.
(Adam Mounsey)
November 23, 2022, 8:58am
There was a similar topic here:
I have a list of UnTrimmed Surfaces which are a part of a Pyramid Geometry, I want to extract the intersections for all of the surfaces and trim all the extra parts except “Solid Difference” parts.
in another way, at the end I want to have Some surfaces like the picture below:
[Intersections Sample]
I know in Rhino, I can Use the “Intersect” Command simply and trim or split the surfaces with the curves extracted from that command. But in ghpython in Grasshopper, I can’t figure it out!
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