Trimmed to Untrimmed Surface

If I have a four sided trimmed surface (as in the attached), is there some simple way to convert it to an untrimmed surface?
Problem (33.1 KB)

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  1. yes.

Problem Trimmed_emod.3dm (3.1 MB)

This has worked for me in the past.


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Hello - in this case not exctly super simple because the trims intersect but RefitTrim can be helpful.

  1. DupBorder and explode the border curve
  2. UntrimAll
  3. ExtendCrvOnSrf the short end curve and use the result to trim
  4. RefitTrim that same edge.
  5. ExtendSrf the lower edge of the result
  6. ExtendCrvOnSrf the lower curve and use the result to trim
  7. RefitTrim that new trimmed edge.
