Hi all,
I am sure this is a very simple problem, but never the less one which is causing me problems being new to grasshopper.
I have multiple trimmed surfaces which I would like to rebuild into untrimmed surfaces. The trimmed surfaces have alot of data from the original surfaces which I dont need and makes the model large and slow.
I am having trouble working out he best way to do this. I am sure there are many.
I can get a simple result by using the edges to build surfaces using a network of curves. But this is not very accurate and wouldnt work on more complicated surfaces. Also it doesnt work on some surfaces where they are trimmed badly and have more than one curve on the edge.
I was having trouble extracting the isocurves from these trimmed surfaces, which I hoped to use to rebuild.
I know that I will need to do this in the future so it would be great to have a reliable method.
Also can this be done in rhino rather than having to use grasshopper?
I have attached a small number of the trimmed surfaces that I am working on.
In Rhino: Build a surface using the edges of the trimmed surface. Patch with the created surface as the starting surface and the trimmed surface as the target. Note that the surfaces can be drastically simplified while retaining accuracy.
To create the starting surface: EdgeSrf using the trimmed edges as the input. FitSrf to simplify the new surface.
To create points to fit the surface to: Mesh with the trimmed surface as the input. ExtractPtfrom the mesh. Do not use ExtractPt from the surface. The result is the control points of the surface which in general are not on the surface.
Fit the starting surface to the trimmed surface. Patch
Select the points from the mesh to fit to a surface through.
Select Starting Surface option
Select the edge surface
Preserve edges option
Complete patch
PointDeviation to check if the new surface is close enough to the original surface.