I am trying to convert this trimmed surface to mesh so that I can manipulate the wires. Essentially, I am trying to make the meshes to be a mix of quad and triangular mesh, similar to this example @djordje posted way back:
these meshes shouldn’t have the cross wires (marked X in the screenshot).
There are a couple quad mesh components, can you specify which one? I tried the quadrangulate component and managed to reduce some undesired triangular meshes but it was no where as clean as this example:
The one called Quad Remesh (In Rhino 7), @martinsiegrist just showed you above.
And so you understand your shapes are not as simple as the one you are referencing. So you need to quad remesh.
If you trim a quad grid with a curve, even straightening the edges along the trim, generally you don’t get just quads and triangles, but also pentagons as you show in your sketch
Yes, pentagons would be fine as well, as long as the wires only run in 2 directions. the only wires that can be of any directions are the naked edges of the surface.
I want to extract the curves to model structural supports for the surface; then maybe even subdivide the individual mesh face into smaller meshes.