Topologycal optimization with Karamba

Dear all, I have created a structure in Karamba, and know I am trying to do topological optimisation for the structure. Is there any direct way to do the topological optimisation with Karmba, or to do that in Millipede or whatever method?

Thank you,

Hi @mhalabbasi
you can use the BESO components to perform topological optimation processes. If you are working with solids, I would look at Milipede (although it is not being further developed anymore) or Ameba by Mike Xie.

Thank you

As far as I understand the BESO method Karamba is using should theoretically also be able to to work with solids, right? Are there any plans to implement this in the future?

Hi @rudolf.neumerkel, at the moment it only works with shells (or beams). Solids are one of the things on our list, but you can always add it as a feature request on our Nighty Builds - Issues · karamba3d/K3D_NightlyBuilds · GitHub

Thanks a lot for the information! Haven’t had the time yet to play around with it yet - does it also work on 3D curved shells or only with 2D problems?


hi, it works with any freeform shell surface based off a mesh input.

amazing, thanks!