Tool palettes bug

Thank you Philip. I totally agree with you. Hard to imagine that we are the only users with this issue. As soon as I find a solution, I will post it here.


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Yeah, that’s really strange… I hope they get the pop-up toolbar working ASAP.


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Any news on when we will get a real Windows-type popup in V7 (or a fix for the macro)? There also seem to be other users wondering about the same thing


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Not sure why this isn’t fixed yet. Most frustrating aspect of changing from Win to Mac.

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Yes, I also wonder… This problem is really being ignored (this thread is one year old). There has been some suggestions in this thread, but no real solution.


My limited understanding is, there is a fundamental difference between how mac and pc’s handle toolbars and pallets at the OS level. Win has a mechanism for doing this, mac does not.

@JohnM can elaborate on this at a much more intelligent level than I can-

The Mac tool palette system is not going to change for V7 and will continue to be different than the Windows tool palette system. We have plans to try to have Mac consume RUI files and behave similarly in V8.


Thanks, John. It may be my decaying faculties, but I SWEAR this used to work in V5:
_ShowToolPalette _ToolPalette=Popup _UnderCursor=YES _Enter
I’m still able to get work done, so this is hardly critical, but it would be swell if you can figure out a way to get us a Winders-style popup working,

Yes, it works the way it should in V6 also (popup palette not reappearing) - but not in V7…


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I’m sorry, but this is very disappointing.
Having to use this list as the popup…

…is so much less intuitive and difficult than having a tool palette with only icons.

Screenshot 2020-09-25 at 12.03.56


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RH-57945 and RH-65131 are fixed in Rhino 7 Service Release 10 Release Candidate

Nope - it’s NOT quite fixed yet @dan @JohnM

I still get the reappearing of the popup palette after finishing a command. Doesn’t matter if I use the macro (_ShowToolPalette _ToolPalette=Popup _UnderCursor=YES _Enter) in “Rhino preferences → Mouse → Run this Macro” - or go to "Window → Active Tool Palettes → Popup. The behaviour is the same as reported here - the popup palette reappears after the sequences outlined in that thread by @Eckhardt and myself. Please check again @dan .

If I use “Rhino preferences → Mouse → Popup this Toolbar” I just get the “non-wanted-list” again (see a few posts above in this thread)…

Could you guys also take a look and test it if you have time: @markleichliter @martinhoffmann1 @Eckhardt


Let’s work on this over in this topic: