Tolerance used in MeshVertexList.CombineIdentical

Hello all,

Do you know which tolerance is used by the Rhino.Geometry.Collections.MeshVertexList.CombineIdentical method? I want to use a specific tolerance value, but I believe it doesn’t use the document’s default tolerance.

I couldn’t find any RhinoCommon command equivalent to “Align mesh vertices to tolerance.” Is there any existing function for it?


This one I think:,ienumerable<bool>)

Thanks Anders,
I should have tested it before posting my question. I think it will not work for me because I need to do it for vertices that are not on naked edges. According to the documentation: “Moves mesh vertices that belong to naked edges to neighboring vertices, within the specified distance”.

I’d try it out, the API documentation also refers to the _AlignMeshVertices command, which does not exist as far as I can tell. So I assume they’re talking about AlignVertices, which I’m guessing is also the command you’re referring to, maybe?