I need help Buddies!
I would like to transpose a text pannel from grasshopper (which is the result of a python script which gives the possible permutations between X and Y with a constraint of 50% of Y and 50% of X) in some visual tables on Rhino, I would like to replace the X and the Y in the differents tables by pictures for the X and pictures for Y or if it’s easier one color for the X and one color for the Y…
I would like to have a a visual table of 5 rows and 2 column… for each group {0}…{1}…{2}… and so on…
Oh it’s really clever :D, do you know the best way to learn how to use Grasshopper you way ? I’m a designer and I have some huge lack to understand the mathematic approach in the way to use Grasshopper, I would like to learn but do I need to get back in College ? ahah