Tissue tool (Blender) in GH?

Hi community,

I saw some videos about the Tissue tool in Blender https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/addons/mesh/tissue.html that creates some great effects. I’m wondering if there are methods or tools in GH that does similar things. Could you please share some insights?

Tissue is cool because it one can make patterns by replacing mesh faces with more complex meshes (some recursive thing?). From the documentation, it seems some foundational stuff (e.g. dual mesh) is available in GH. I also found this video by The Different Design https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqGG9IaGlAo that seems relevant.

Without downplaying its great achievements, Blender loves weird names for implementations of existing technology so, I might be looking at one without realizing :thinking:

That would be Pufferfish.

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Thanks very much for your help Quan!

Hi @Gears_Gears ,

Adjacent to this is a plugin called Nautilus that may be of interest to you for some use cases.


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Thanks a lot for your help Michael! I saw a lot of great results from Nautilus!

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