I’m trying to create an RHI installer package for a RhinoCommon based plug-in I am working on. The RHP file works fine, but when I try to zip all the files into an RHI file and double click it I get the following error.
This package is not compatible with the Rhino Installer Engine
I’m using Rhino 5.0 SR10. I’ve read through a number of other posts that suggest repairing the installation of Rhino through add/remove programs. I’ve done this, but still get the error above.
I’m using Winzip 16.5 to create the zip file, and changing the extension to *.rhi
Well i got it working now. I was missing the AssemblyInformationalVersion attribute mentioned on this page.
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion(“2”)]
This was not very obvious as my plug-in is using the RhinoCommon library and does not have a reference to the old DotNet SDK. The page includes the following at the top.
Note This information pertains to plug-ins built with the legacy Rhino_DotNet SDK. This information does not apply to plug-ins built with RhinoCommon.