Package not compatible with the Rhino Installer Engine


I was hoping someone could help me out with this error. I compile a plug-in for Rhino 8 into a .rhi installer. Then, when I run the installer, I get the error:

I attach also the corresponding log (I’m afraid it’s in German). It seems, it is related to the System.runtime.dll library?

“Message: Die Abhängigkeit von Assembly “System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a” kann nicht aufgelöst werden, da sie nicht vorher geladen wurde. Beim Verwenden der ReflectionOnly-APIs müssen abhängige Assemblys vorher geladen oder über das ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve-Ereignis bei Bedarf geladen werden.”

The plug-in is just the example code you get with the extension for Visual Studio. The strange thing is that the installers were working until a few days ago.

OCLCA_Test (20240128-180016).txt (6.5 KB)

In case it may help someone, I ended up solving the issue, by copying into the .rhi installer the plug-in that is compiled into the net48 folder instead of the one that is compiled into the net7.0 one, even though you can manually load both .rhp files into rhino without errors…

Hi @d.apellaniz,

The Rhino Installer Engine is obsolete. Use the Package Manager.

– Dale

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