We are corrently working on porting Rhino5 Plugins to Rhino 6.
When we open RhinoSdkDocs.chm in the folder “~:\Program Files\Rhino 6 SDK\help”
It shows
So, we don’t have Rhino6 SDK help to reference.
And when we porting Rhino5 Plugins to Rhino 6, we have several code have error.
The following is the codes which have error.
ON::unit_system unit = ON::millimeters;
ON_Annotation2::eTextJustification Justification = ON_Annotation2::tjCenter;
ON_MeshParameters mp;
mp.m_tolerance = 0.05;
ON_Texture texture;
CString Name = texture.m_filename;
CRhinoLayerTable& layer_table = ::RhinoApp().ActiveDoc()->m_layer_table;
int LayerIndex = layer_table.FindLayer(L"default");
ON_Layer* Layer;
CString Name = Layer->LayerName();
CRhinoGroupTable& group_table = ::RhinoApp().ActiveDoc()->m_group_table;
const CRhinoGroup* Group = group_table[i];
ON_UUID uid = Group->m_group_id;
Could you help us to solve that.
(Nathan 'jesterKing' Letwory)
December 20, 2017, 8:32am
Just FYI, you should be able to find current documentation at least here: http://developer.rhino3d.com/api/cpp/
@brian possibly knows what goes on with the SDK documentation part from the installer.
wrt the code I hope @dale can help you out.
Thanks you for your reply.
We reference to the Rhino6.0 C++ SDK Help on website.
And we already solve the following code error
//ON::unit_system unit = ON::millimeters;
ON_UnitSystem unit = ON::LengthUnitSystem::Millimeters;
unit = ON::LengthUnitSystem::Unset;
//ON_Annotation2::eTextJustification Justification = ON_Annotation2::tjCenter;
ON::TextHorizontalAlignment Justification = ON::TextHorizontalAlignment::Center;
ON_MeshParameters mp;
//mp.m_tolerance = 0.05;
//mp.m_min_edge_length = 0.05;
//mp.m_max_edge_length = 0.05;
ON_Texture texture;
//CString Name = texture.m_filename;
CString Name = texture.m_image_file_reference.FullPath();
CRhinoLayerTable& layer_table = ::RhinoApp().ActiveDoc()->m_layer_table;
//int LayerIndex = layer_table.FindLayer(L"default");
int LayerIndex = layer_table.FindLayerFromUniqueName(L"3D Last");
ON_Layer* Layer;
//CString Name = Layer->LayerName();
CString Name;
layer_table.GetLayerPathName(LayerIndex, ON_wString(Name));
CRhinoGroupTable& group_table = ::RhinoApp().ActiveDoc()->m_group_table;
const CRhinoGroup* Group = group_table[i];
//ON_UUID uid = Group->m_group_id;
ON_UUID uid =Group->Id();