Interior rendering/partial section for my morbid “Hotel End-Times” project, a piece of temporary funeral architecture largely composed of tube-and-clamp scaffolding, post-processed like the other images in the series to simulate one of those SF paperbacks with wild covers and unlikely-named authors, the sort that you used to find in drugstores and shopping-mall bookstores in the 70’s. Mom, can I please please have this one? Please? I’ve already read the first three…please? It’s the new one by Burnt Gently! [or Issac Anthuntre, or Wolfe Greenjeans, or whomever; “Hua Ruisi”, used here, is the Mandarin version of my name]
The ultimate idea is to have a series of “old paperback covers” that describe the project as well as (but perhaps more cleverly than) standard architectural projections and writeups.
The second image is the Rhino-generated basis for the illustration, without the “aged cheap paperback” Photoshop styling. (Actually, I need to find some higher-res scans of old paperbacks, or maybe some actual old paperbacks to scan myself…I’ve been using covers scraped from eBay and collector websites, carefully pixel-scrubbed of their original text and illustrations. None of the drugstore dreadfuls that my mom broke down and bought me have survived to the present!)