"The Hotel End-Times" architecture project, illustration

This is the fifth and final illustration for my most recent speculative architectural project, arbitrarily and cynically styled to resemble the cover of a cheap “drugstore dreadful” paperback from decades past. I exported part of the Rhino model as well as a generic mesh of a skeleton into Blender, where I used the rigid body features to simulate dropping the bits of bone through the central shaft onto the chute at its base…and then I reimported the “dispersed” pieces of simulated remains back into the original Rhino model for the final rendering (so that I didn’t have to spend days or forever sorting through the thousands of options for texturing and rendering in Blender, basically).

Here are a couple of other versions of the rendering, the first without the annoying text and the second without the Photoshop-imposed bits of scanned old paperback:


more cool stuff! Thanks for sharing it with us!

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