The Custom Preview component has lost shadows in Rhino 8

The same happens with my other plugin:

This is on Rhino 8 SR14

No worries. Thanks for the help.

I just wanted to clarify this and see if other users are experiencing the same issue. To me, it seems like GH Player isn’t working optimally right now. If we can have a GUI and use buttons, I’d like to find a way to make geometry preview available to us.

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pinging @kike : the issue seems to have resurfaced. It looks like the preview is linked to the GH player state: it works while the definition is in between a Get and a Print/Bake, but it stops working otherwise (even if the GH document property “keep open after command completes” is checked).

Hi Alessio,

Can post your current Rhino _SystemInfo? Thanks

Sure, no problem:
SystemInfo.txt (2.6 KB)


This is working on 8.15.
It was released last Tuesday.

Could you please test on it?

Just tested on 8.15. Unfortunately, it does not seem that the issue has been fully solved.

The video below shows the compiled plugin (attached rhp file) in action. The plugin command “launch_Synapse” launches, via Grasshopper Player, a definition (attached) that contains a GetBoolean component (case 2 as pointed out by @Czaja here: The Custom Preview component has lost shadows in Rhino 8 - #42 by Czaja). The GetBoolean is not connected to anything, it just prompts for a bool value. Without a GetBoolean, the rendered preview does not work at all (try “launch_HumanUI” - it is the same algorithm, but uses HumanUI instead of Synapse for the UI, and it does not have the GetBoolean component).

The UI buttons and sliders work as expected, while the rendered preview stops working once the boolean value is given.

Test_RCP.rhp (744 KB) (77.4 KB) (32.3 KB)


The issue with the rendered mode is fixed on next 8.15 that will be released tomorrow.

Please test it and tell us.
Thanks for all you testing efforts.

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Hi Guys,

Looks like I’m late to the party on this thread, BUT, since I created KaroroCAD as a compiled plugin from GH source 3 years ago its never displayed anything more than curves in rendered view:

Sounds like this is being fixed in the next update - THANKS!



I can confirm it works in rendered mode in the new 8.15 SRC (8.15.24352.13001)
Tests below with launch_Synapse and launch_HumanUI (from my previously posted Test_RCP compiled plugin):

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Hi @kike

My testing with 8.15 has ZERO geometry displayed in display mode for my compiled GH plugins written in R7.

Code written in R8 is working fine.

Have you perhaps broken some backwards compatibility to the R7 custom preview components in this latest release?

More info here:



Hi @kiteboardshaper,

This will fix your issue on next SR15.