Text mask default colour

Is there any way of changing the default colour of the text mask from black to white? i use white text masks 99.99999 % of the time, and every time I change it from black I think, “I gotta send a wish to McNeel to change this!”

Well today’s the day! Can we please have the option to change the default colour to white?

Thanks :slight_smile:


That does seem kind of not-ideal… default seems to be white in V6/WIP.


I want to change The default color for every new page I open is white

You can change the Text mask color for annotations by changing it on the Annotation Style

Run the _Options command and look under Document Properties / Annotation Styles and then expand Font.

…and then save that file with the text mask changed to your liking as your default template file. That way when you start a new file, the text mask will be the color you want.

Is there a way we could add a transparency option to the Text Mask?
…it would be so awesome to be able to grey things out, but not completely hide what’s behind a Text.