Tetrahedron instead of twisted box for box morph?

Hello, I’m trying to insert and deform a sphere into a tetrahedron using the same logic as in the twisted box/box morph process. I’ve tried collapsing 3 of the box points into one as well as using the spatial deform and point deform components to accomplish this. The spatial deform may end up working ok but because I hope to populate a lot of variable sized tetrahedrons in a fully 3d lattice I was hoping for something much simpler.

Looking to create a 3d version of what is shown in the photo.

Thanks for any help!

Mesh CageMorph 2.gh (17.4 KB)

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Mesh CageMorph 2 V1.gh (16.7 KB)


Thanks very much Quan!

Do you know where I can get the component “mesh cage morph 2” … rhino, nor I, could find it

I think it is there

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Yes, thank you!