Testing new QuadRemesher

Just this case. The desired edge length is too large to generate the appropriate loops around the holes.

Cool, thanks!

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@mehran09197306634me thanks I’ve logged the request here.




Why you didn’t let me know?! :wink:

Discovered it today. This is beautiful.
Of course It is still fragile and very easy to break but it is growing.

Thank you all!




Hi all @Trav
When I execute a solid object with the quadremesh command it doesn’t work properly but if the object is converted to a mesh and then run with the quadremesh command…it is good

bug.3dm (1.2 MB)

yes i have this problem in my preview in rhino7

preview .3dm (900.6 KB)

Hi - that object gets selected with the SelBadObjects command. How did you create this?

?? :neutral_face:

That Patch surface has a bad trimmed edge. ExtractSrf > Untrim with keep trim curve > Trim again > Join… fixes the render mesh here. I don’t see this relating to QuadRemesh though :slight_smile:

If you extract the render mesh (which is used by the Quad Remesher) you’ll see that the current Rhino document settings generate a mesh with naked edges and thus you get a poor result. Either improving mesh settings or the box geometry resolves this.

Thanks, filed as https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-57472

@Trav I was filing this at the same moment as it seemed like a bug. I see what’s happening now, it’s a render mesh versus NURBS issue. Maybe we could prompt the user if the two are contrary in terms of naked edges?

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I think the bigger issue is the render mesh should not produce naked edges.

Yep, I filed a new report and made the first dependent.

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Hi all
Here is another example :point_down:

bug.3dm (821.8 KB)

Quad Remesh is not the best at Sharp Point
When we quadremesh, we have problems with Sharp Points and it doesn’t work well.

bug.3dm (826.9 KB)

@mehran09197306634me as stated here before. Sharp points are a current limitation of quad remesh.

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oh ok