Terrain Curves to Laser Cut

Dear Mcneel People.

Wonder if anyone can tell me how i can do this:

  • have a 3d terrain made by curves. like autocad curves elevation.
  • need to separate all curves individualy, organize and label with text
  • flatten all curves and have closed polylines
  • to result an organized and labeled all parts of that 3d terrain ready for laser cut.

I think there is a prompt command line in Rhino that do this withou using grasshopper.

Any one with this answer would be very appreciated.

Can you share an image of what you have and what you need?
The command I know of is Contour then use w0,0,0 and w0,0,1 to set the elevation start point and direction and then the distance. But there is no auto labeling function I know of.

But it isn’t difficult to script a solution for this in python, so shout out if you need that.
If so I would need the terrain to play with.

You need something like this right?

Hi Holo. Thanks for answering.
Exactly! the final purpose is get that final model on hands. What we need is like organize, nesting and labeling those curve parts inside rhino. Then send to laser cut shop:

The example is exactly like this, but without Grasshopper (that i do not understand!).
The 2D parts extracted from a 3d Terrain made by curves, but labelled with numbers in each part so then we can assemble.

Nice. So a layer numer + custom text is enough.
I’ll see what I can come up with.

OK, so I have made a script that is doing the basic slicing and if you want lays it out.

It handles open meshes by adding walls to them, in case you don’t have a closed mesh with the correct thickness base.


  • When laser cutting some model makers adds the curves from the next level (stack) on top of the curves to cut, and then just engrave these onto the shape with a lower power. Is this what you want? Or do you just want x’s to mark the corresponding points? And do you want an outline for each part too?

  • What height and starting height would make most sense for you? I think using real world coordinates for the steps so they act like real world height curves, and then space them with a given distance. Does that seem right to you?

Organizing an optimized stacking of all the data to avoid wasting materials is a bit too much to handle right now, so that will have to wait.

Looking forward to your feedback.

I think I will just add this feature to the terrainMesh plugin so it is easy to install and use for more users.

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