T splines add in

Just installed the t splines add in. How do I access it from inside Rhino?

From page 15 of the manual :

  • Type the command tsActivateLicense.
  • Enter your Internet Activation Key

Also, if you don’t see the toolbar, use the Toolbar command and select T-Splines from the toolbar list.

Is this just a trial, Trevor?

Might be prudent to give Clayoo a whirl…

Thanks for the response. I have done the T-splines installation and entered the activation key but it is not showing up in the toolbar list.

Did the T-Splines menu appear in the menu bar? Are the ts command available?

Found it. I had two different icons for Rhino on my desktop [one was ‘Rhinoceros 5’ and the other was ‘Rhinoceros 5 (64-bit)’]. One must have been leftover from my trial version. When I opened Rhino from the '64-bit icon the t splines toolbars showed up.