I need to create surfaces based on sweep 2 rails and transform them into Sub D.
In correspondence with the parts where the tracks are curved the subDs show an incorrect trend, there is an inconsistent duplication of vertices.
I tried to use ARCO, SPLINE type curves and also to convert the two types to SUBD FRIENDLY CURVES.
The result after converting surfaces to SubD is always incorrect, with a lot og jagged part!
Is it a software problem?
Do you know if I can improve my results in someway?
Attached you will find a document in which you can see step by step my tests and results.
How do you obtain this good result?
Did you started from the last surface model of the first line (joined binary based on line + control point curve subD friendly)?
Unfortunatly, I woud like to skip the step through the ‘quadremesh’ function.
My aim is to get a subD with a very low net polygon count.
For this reason I’m tring to use only the ‘Converto to SubD’ tool.
I’d say your sub-d friendly curve wasn’t sub-d friendly yet. I moved the section curve in the middle down to the control point and got this sub-d with the SubDSweep2 command: