Sweep2 - incorrect seam direction, surface flipped

Has something fundamentally changed with the way sweep works in Rhino8? I’m trying out quite simple sweep2 for a ring and after tweaking the seam direction and position I get flipped surface on one of the sections.

The very same curves, with the same seam settings work without a hitch on Rhino6 (Windows PL).

I can’t figure out what’s going on and howto get predictable sweep results.

Hello- please post a Rhino file with the input objects to the command and I’ll take a look.


can’t find the file atm, but I see similar issue with sweep1. The problem shows from time to time consistently - several jewelry school students report it (I’ll ask them to send some samples).

I’ve attached a video and files for the sweep1.

In general - in Rhino6 sweeps are super predictable, in Rhino8 we get flipped direction from time to time. It’s like Rhino8 is not respecting the seams that were set.

aaa._r6.3dm (49.7 KB)
aaa.3dm (54.0 KB)

When I get files for the sweep2 I’ll add them here. As I don’t know what’s the cause it’s hard to replicate.

Hello - I see that, thanks. I get the right result in 8 if I snap the seam to the corner.


thx for looking into that Pascal.

yeah, I get it that when you get the “magic” combo of seam location it will work. But the thing is that it should work consistently every time - and it does in Rhino6. During classes we’ve hit the problem several times and it’s always a pita to troubleshoot - in more complex cases finding the position of the seam that Rhino8 will process correctly is super annoying.

Especially considering I’ve been unable to figure the “pattern” of this behavior. Sometimes it’s just faster to export to Rhino6…

The only common thing I was able to deduct is that it happens when doing sweeps with closed curves (at least I haven’t experienced it on open ones).

Ok, after a while I’ve been able to create a sample showing problem with sweep2:

Again Rhino6 resolves this correctly, Rhino8 flips direction.
bbb.3dm (660.6 KB)
bbb_r6.3dm (73.0 KB)

Hello- I see these, thanks, I’ll get them on the bug list.

RH-81023 Sweep1 twists with some seam locations

RH-81022 Sweep2 flips
