Sweep but fix profile?


I want to make a roof-like shape using sweep1. The problem is, sweep seems to rotate my profile (the ‘section’) along the ‘rail’. Is there any way to stop this? i.e. How can I sweep while keeping the orientation of the profile fixed?

Many Thanks!

sweep_problem.gh (11.3 KB)

I think sweep this word implies profile rotating. So maybe loft?

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Thanks for your help Quan! This is a good solution. In practice, though, this introduces a lot of control points and, for some reason, bad geometry when trimmed which a plane: it looks fine when the trim happen, but once I extrude it, there is a clear break across the extrusion for some reason.

In unrelated note: I know in SolidWorks you have the option to fix the profile (instead of letting it spin around) when you sweep. In my example I find it particularly counter-intuitive gh forces the profile to spin at all, since my rail is a planar curve

Because you are sweeping into 2 planes, you probably should add additional constraints. Sweep 2 allows this. I only flip the rail curves, because your source curves are pointing in the opposite direction of the starting position of your profile.

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